I played around with a voice training app - it really just analyzes vocal pitch - and found it pretty interesting.

I know my spoken vocal pitch pretty well - I know my range and where I am in it - so I wasn't surprised.

But the app does sort voices into gender by pitch.
It's not meant to be prescriptive - they're standard ranges. In the real world pitch overlaps a fair bit, we all know this, right? But perceptions of gender by pitch are a thing.

The app puts me in "male" for my current habitual speaking voice.
I'm fighting voice dysphoria a lot lately, and I'm talking at the bottom of my range a lot; and if I speak dynamically I wind up in an androgynous place, pulling in higher pitches. But even my highest comfortable speaking voice isn't registering "female" in the app.
Vocal gender perception is *so* much more than pitch. It's resonance and vowel shapes and positioning and just... tons of things. I am *consistently* read as female based on my voice. Seeing the pitch register - and seeing it fall into "male" - sure is interesting.
This has been your regularly scheduled "Evan obsesses about their voice" interlude, thank you for tuning in.
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