The capitol attack is being normalized the same way foreign interference in the 2016 was normalized. All the information is coming out, nothing is happening in retaliation for the act, our cheerleaders are insisting that accountability is coming but with less conviction over time
50% of our discourse is calling for the expulsion and jailing of people who don’t get expelled or jailed or, if they do, don’t seem to stay in jail for very long. There have been a disturbing lack of real consequence, of enforcement of the law, over the last five years or so.
Something is wrong with our government, our whole system. So bad that the government can’t defend itself against an attack or punish the people that did it. It’s dead, weak, compromised or perhaps even worse - complicit in its own destruction.
This is the elephant in the room which is being drowned out in the daily outrages, the obsequious partisan cheerleading and fawning over “our” politicians, the traumatized acceptance of something less bad as something positively outstanding. Think. Think.
Question of wisdom and the motives of the people who are telling you “oh yeah, they attacked the capitol, but we’re really gonna get them for it, just wait because big things are happening behind the scenes, just you wait, trust the plan, our politicians know more than us”
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