We could have redeemed SMF, we simply ran out of time.

Imagine an OGN that would've explained the Keys, and 'pirates,' exposed Gosei for the selective liar he was, and intro'd a new big bad named Brig/Dreadnaut? THREAD #powerdown ⚡️ #ゴーカイジャー

Fyne yARRRT by @stratosmacca!
By '18, we had the tools. The comics were on fire, and slots for OGNs were coming online. People wanted lore!

As a longtime Gokaiger fan, SMF left a lot on the table, and a lot to be desired. My hope was to use that as the backbone for compelling new stories. THREAD #powerdown
The pitch went something like this:

Could we get Orion to 'chase into space' with the powers, separating SMF from MF, to find a new team for future storytelling?

What revelations about the past, and present new evils would lead to this situation? THREAD #powerdown
Foremost, we'd have to raise some big questions, like: what if Gosei was not the nice guy, nor apprentice to Zordon he pegged himself to be?

What if he was more like 'Red Hood;' committed to the mission, but on the morally-questionable path? THREAD #powerdown
Of course Z & G would have had shared history, but at some point Gosei's youth (and nature) would have lead to a falling out. There, he would land in the company of an Artful Dodger/enabler type named Brig. THREAD #powerdown
Gosei would come to share everything with Brig: all he had learned about the Grid, and the galaxy, and eventually romance. The universe was their oyster. But like all summer grapes on the vine, this too would sour. They would bitterly go their own ways. THREAD #powerdown
...that is until reports of Rangers acting un-ranger-like started to circle the cosmic pool; unprovoked attacks, raiding (and worse) would lead Gosei to investigate. There he would discover Brig behind it all; his old flame having pirated the Power for evil. THREAD #powerdown
Gosei, feeling a kind of responsibility, would have to destroy Brig. It would be a big, bombastic battle (costing Gosei his physical body, much like Zordon). Eventually, he'd come out on top, vowing to use the Ranger Keys for good 'one day.' THREAD #powerdown
Gosei became the tiki we know. Brig, however, would take a much different journey through PR's Shadow World, Abyss of Evil, and the Org Spirit World (etc). This would leave him mutated/gaining the forms of the greatest monsters of all time. DREADNAUT is born. THREAD #powerdown
By 'unlocking' the ghostly chains around his body with Monster Keys, DREADNAUT would be able to become PR's 'greatest hits of evil,' temporarily claiming their power as his own! This would include his famed sentai monster form. THREAD #powerdown
As intended, Dreadnaut's arrival in PR would launch a kind of '3rd season' of SMF, completely challenging the status quo, and christening a new adventure/new team literally haunted by the ghosts of the past! THREAD #powerdown
Sadly, my time w./PR ended before I ever pitched the powers that be.

Admittedly, the idea is far from perfect, and would need massaging to make work. Fundamentally, however, the heart is sound: a 'saving throw' to everything that made Gokaiger & SMF so special! THREAD #powerdown
Thanks for reading all the way to the bottom! Also, please help me in thanking @TheRealMattHunt and @SentaiFive for their gut checks, and the 'Marvelous' to my 'Navi' @stratosmacca for her incredible art! THREAD #powerdown ⚡️🏴‍☠️🦜
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