I've never liked the idea of a fanbase "leaving" their team when things suck but the Rockies are really pushing this idea to the limit. The org clearly doesn't give a single f*** about their fans, the state of Colorado, or the city of Denver so supporting the org feels dirty.
But I'm still (admittedly) naive enough to think that a sports team may be owned by some rich asshole but BELONGS to the city in which they reside. Quitting on them feels more like conceding defeat.
Coors field and the Rockies have turned into the thing @JohnReidy303 described in his column about the fall of El Chapultapec. They're just a soulless empty vessel to house Cubs/Cardinals/Brewers fans to help make transplants feel more at home. https://twitter.com/MileHighSports/status/1337460910122733569?s=20
"Leaving" the Rockies feels like conceding that to them. They won't actually lose money. They'll just continue the hard, decades long pivot toward sucking the soul out of something cool that we all loved and at one time felt a sense of pride in.
That being said I don't have any answers for how to unf*** this. I've got my pitchfork ready but feel like I have nowhere to go. I just know I'm not leaving.
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