I've been asked a few times recently for advice on choosing between multiple agents who have made offers and...

Listen. I'm still relieved that I was able to make a decision because I was...a MESS.
But I can tell you some things that helped me.

1. Scheduling a second call. On the call with my now-agent, I was just so flustered and excited (and fun fact - didn't realize she was offering until the end!) that I missed some of my Qs. Have more Qs? Reach out and schedule.
2. Talk to a lot of people. Ask the agent(s) if they can arrange client calls/e-mails for you. Ask as much as you feel you need to know from them.

3. This includes former clients, too. See if you can find out who might be able to connect you, or if you can do some sleuthing.
4. Take every bit of time you have before you make your decision. Don't feel like you need to make that decision a minute before the time you've given, if you feel you need to ruminate and ask more questions.
5. Talk it out with friends. So grateful @MissDahlELama (who stayed on the phone with me an hour the night before I decided) and @KatCho and others, including friends I grabbed by the arm at conferences that weekend and blurted it out to like @laurenmagaziner and @Danaalisonlevy.
It's true that only you can make this decision, but every friend that quietly listened and then asked a question - or suggested that I ask a particular question, like Dahlia did, that decided everything for me - really does help you settle your thoughts.
6. Good old-fashioned doodling. I had a whiteboard that I used during my MFA decision process (and no, I do not recommend the MFA application cycle and querying at the same time - learn from my stress!) and I wrote out pros and cons and thoughts and feelings to see it there.
Also, this is probably the least helpful tip on the list - I know I audibly growled at the friend who told me this - but...


Listen to your heart. Just like I knew I'd regret walking away from my school, I KNEW I wanted to sign with my agent, even if I was torn.
Really, truly, you will have a feeling once the research has been done and you've asked your questions.

It's hard to get to that point, and believe me, I had a few panic attacks that this was a LIFE AND DEATH CAREER DECISION -

but you'll be fine. It'll be fine.
Oh, BONUS ADVICE: Even if you've done your research, do some double-checking during this decision period. Dahlia was kind enough to lend me her Publishers Marketplace login so I could double-check sales and agency reputation.

I also Googled client testimonials again.
I already followed, and know, all four agents who offered (and prioritized WoC agents in general) - but if you're PoC, it might be a good idea to do a double-check on an agent's social media and their PoC clients (as in, how many they have and seem supportive of). Just in case.
Anyway, I know this is a STRESSFUL time. Everyone is going to be like, "How exciting!" and it is but I am also here to recognize the sleepless nights you are having and the hair you are pulling out.

I get it. You got this. And congrats! <3
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