For those attacking @ConceptualJames, here's what he's talking about:

Jenny Peto, who is Jewish, wrote a thesis "Victimhood of the Powerful" arguing white Jews have privilege but fake victimhood to get sympathy for themselves and empower Israel. The KKK could have written it:
In her thesis she claims Ashkanazi Jews are white and use "Hegemonic Holocaust Education" as a tactic to reproduce the narrative that Jews are victims (pic 1). But she says Jews aren't oppressed and they fake victimhood to hide their privilige and benefit themselves (pic 2)
She then says "March of the Living"
Where on Holocaust Remembrance Day students march from Auschwitz-Birkenau in memory of the Holocaust, then go to Israel to learn Israelis history is a program designed to help Jews "perform whiteness by seeing themselves as victims."

She then goes on to argue that Israel is an Apartheid state.

Because of course she does.
She then says if Jews don't acknowledge their whiteness, they're complicit in racism and imperialism.(pic 1)

This is exactly the kind of garbage that would get published on a meo-nazi message board. It's also making it's way into the world (pic 2)
As an aside....

This is garbage. I'm a Halakhic Jew (Converted to Christianity) and my "whiteness" didn't protect me from anti-semitism.

(This is just a sample of what I've gotten)
This sort of racial garbage that come out of Critical Race Theory (the jewish version of which is called, I kid you not, Heeb Crit) creates anti-semitism.

I don't know how you can read the work of people like Jennifer Peto and come to any other conclusion
Here's a paper using post-structuralism (a postmodern theory) and Critical Race Theory to examine hegemony (cultural dominance and power) and concludes there is a Zionest (Jewish) hegemony in....Canada.

It literally argues "The Jews Run Canada." It's pure anti-semitism.
And this stuff gets into the real world.

In pic 1 Al Jezeera says Jews "benefit from the Holocaust." That's straight out of Peto's work.

In pic 2 a flyer was distributed at the U of Illinois saying (in woke language) Jews are the most priviliged. Again, straight from Peto.
This is what @ConceptualJames is talking about. This sort of noxious, evil, and antisemitic work is common in academia, goes public, and then people think everything (even postmodernism) is a jewish conspiracy csuse even the professors said so, and Jews like me get blamed.
So no, @ConceptualJames is not an anti-semite. I don't care what anyone says.

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