People don’t know this but Ted Wheeler’s first run for office was to take out a county commissioner who was under fire specifically for supporting marriage equality which he used against her.
He bankrolled that race with his own timber baron wealth with absolutely no practical experience (something he would use against Sarah Iannarone in 2020). He then furthered his career by being appointed treasurer only after the urging of Gordon Sondland.
This led to him being mayor with his political ally being his only fake opposition and then the two of them conspired to form a super pac to win his re-election based specifically on sexist propaganda and law breaking. He’s a fraud.
Not to mention he was a Republican most of his life. He claims he didn’t benefit from his privilege until his father died resulting in inheritance which is not how privilege works. He opened a video store as his only business when video stores were ending. It failed, of course.
He is bad at business, built his career on homophobia and sexism, and has continued to fail up. His family is one of the richest in Oregon gaining their wealth by decimating native land.
He won his re-election illegally but he did win. He got more votes. But we cannot allow him to continue to fail upwards because he is leaving bodies in his wake.
My point being, please let this be his last job as an elected official. He hasn’t been good at any of them, has not earned anything he has, and we have a depth of BIPOC talent that should be replacing these fraudulent rich white men.
Literally his main argument that he used, aside from sexism coming from the super pac, was that Sarah didn’t have the experience. But if anyone examines his experience you see it was earned unethically, unearned, or failures.
Oh wait also, he’s petty. He’s 30 years older than me and is still salty I dared to run a race against him and point out these facts. It’s politics man get over it. Him and Jules Bailey became best friends cuz it wasn’t a real race. He hates me because we hit hard, that’s life.
I would never claim he is talentless. He is clearly smart and I do believe he cares about Portland. But as he has said, he views his position atop our city as a calling. If I were him I would take all my millions, start a foundation, and fund people and organizations.
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