1) I'd like to preface this with a couple of things. Firstly, I truly believe $ICX is set to be a global leader for enterprise blockchain which is why I have put so many of my eggs in their basket and holding $ICX at this point will no doubt pay off in the long term.
2) Secondly, I do not believe $ICX NEEDS marketing based on my first point. I also hate to dip my toe in the squabbling I see on twitter about marketing or no marketing. I do think a lot of this conversation stems from how $ICX price is doing at that moment.
3) If price is down, this narrative comes out, if its up everyone's euphoric and its all forgotten for a moment. Could I be making this tweet after watching $ICX slip down the CMC ranks...possibly.
4) For me, the gripe is not so much whether there is marketing or not as I beleive in this long term, the gripe for me is not knowing whether there is marketing or not now.
5) If @helloiconworld came out and said "guys, were going to hold off marketing until ICON 2.0 is live and we have a marketing plan in place for this - don't worry  we've got this" then this would be great and would put a lot of these squabbles to rest.
6) The issue is not knowing if what we're seeing now is them marketing or not. Is this what we've got? Will there be more?

This raises questions for me. 1, if this is them marketing, well, forgive me, it needs improving. 2, if its not when can we expect more? Whats the plan?
7) @helloiconworld is number 1 P-Rep and they directly benefit from the price of $ICX as they are paid in it, why wouldn't they be doing all they can to increase the value? Better outreach, create more awareness. Buy again, maybe they are doing all they can...
8) Or does a higher price affect the tokenomics? Would the TX fee increase too much? Maybe they don't actually want $ICX to increase in value. Maybe they need a stable value to attract more enterprises?
9) Again, I love $ICX and for all of us long term holders I have no doubt it will make us pretty wealthy. There's just too many un-answered questions on this subject given the issues raised by the community which creates a huge void of uncertainty.
10) Price will attract new investors, more excitement, developers will want to build on the network etc. I can't help but think things would be better with better marketing for everyone including @helloiconworld but if there is a bigger play at here, please, some communication.
11) Of course, an explanation is not really required and I am by no means in a position to be making demands, I have just put some money in a company I think will make me money - I am not a share holder so you owe me nothing.
12) But with that being said, just some comms or insight into what the plan is would be greatly appreciated by me and much of the community I think.

Have you guys got a master plan? In this case, a simple yes or no would suffice.
I honestly hate to be raising this as I'm such a big advocate for @helloiconworld, but I've actually got quite a lot of money on you guys and as much as that is on my head, just a lil bit of reassurance would go down a treat!

Thanks in advance!
13?) One last point! P-Reps can come in and focus on marketing but the reality of it is that they do not have nearly as much clout as the official accounts of $ICX.

I judge projects on their main account activity, not any old shiller. Otherwise I'd be buying into all sorts.
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