The absolute state of this.

The “coalition of the willing” is working itself to the bone to deliver at the moment. Perhaps @halfon4harlowMP needs to spend some time with the very people he is supposed to be looking out for as chair of the education select committee.
The “coalition of the willing” has moved mountains since last March. They’ve dealt with every twist and u-turn of government policy and delivered more than was asked for.
The “coalition of the willing” includes school leaders up and down the land who have worked through school holidays, changed plans last minute as a result of government incompetence etc.
The “coalition of the willing” has taken on roles that were never envisaged when they went into education. They’ve dealt with rubbish websites (Edenred anyone) that don’t work properly, worked as track and trace operators and generally mopped up the drivel from government.
The “coalition of the willing” have put up with the gaslighting, the negative press briefing, the utter contempt from politicians and got on with the job.
The “coalition of the willing” will carry on serving their communities despite the best efforts of others. They will keep delivering food parcels, laptops, paper packs, keep making those welfare calls, helping needy families etc.
But there will be a cost. There will be a reckoning. We will lose some of the willing because they are fed up. They are the lions led by donkeys and many will be checking the pension pot to see if it’s worth staying on.
So we lose some of the very willing people who have got education through this mess. We lose their experience, their knowledge and their service.
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