I have had a lot of fun and success with making art and selling as #NFT in the last six months.

I did this with no classical art training or experience using any digital art softwares. I’ll explain how/why since a few folks have asked.

First, why make art?
I think everyone should make art of some sort. Be it traditional art, digital art, music, building, crafting. Whatever involves creativity and use of your mind and hands.

It’s healthy. Keeps the mind fresh. Allows you an outlet for your thoughts and feelings. And it’s gratifying
I think digital art is a fairly easy way to start. As in, barriers to entry are fairly minimal.

I bought an iPad and Apple pen, and downloaded the app Procreate. It’s a favorite among artists for many reasons.

The interface is easy to use and it has many tools at your disposal.
It really was one of the best investments I ever made. Even if I hadn’t sold multiple pieces of art it still would have been a great investment. I really enjoy making art and putting it in the market. It’s a ton of fun.

So while I was waiting for the iPad to arrive I studied.
I’ve loved art my whole life. Never studied the creation of art but went to museums religiously and read various books on it. So I knew what I liked, and had a good idea of what I wanted to make.

I continued to research ideas and inspiration. And I watched YouTube tutorials.
This meant that I had plenty of inspiration when the materials arrived, and I had a basic working knowledge of Procreate, so I could hit the ground running.

And that’s what I did. Made my first piece in 8 hours, almost non stop, the day the iPad arrived.
I then made 100 more in the following months. I would do 2-3 pieces a day for weeks on end. Just to learn all the tools available. Tried different brushes and pens, changed effects, played with color, began learning how to edit and refine completed pieces.
And then I began strategizing how to make my pieces fit together with a style and theme amongst sets. Started to think about how I would put them in the market. Got more clever with naming and building the story.

That helped me find success with sales early on.
But again, there is no need to sell anything. Not if you don’t want to. For me it was part of the thrill. Part of the challenges and the progression. So I did.

But that 700 dollar investment was worth so much more than the money it returned me beyond that.
It really opened up a creative part of me that was dormant. It made me happier, more fulfilled, more creative in my job even.

Im moving into collabs now, and beginning physical art soon also. Have a sketchbook, ordered some canvas.
If you go that route it’s not much money either, less actually. But you have to renew materials when you use them.

I like the iPad because for that 700 dollars you get a permanent easel and set of brushes/pens at your disposal. With editing and storage baked in.
So TLDR: get out there and make some art. If you don’t wanna go that route, try glass blowing. Or maybe wood carving. Or creative writing. Or make some music.

It’s good for your soul!

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