Thanks for all of your support in relation to the ridiculous covid fine I received for doing my work as a barrister who represents environmental activists; it’s very heartening. I’m confident all will be ok in the end & I will successfully challenge the fine in court. However...
I mainly wanted to publicise it to draw attention to the blatant abuse of the covid regs by some police officers to crackdown on protest and target marginalised groups. I am aware of my privileges & we must ask the question: if the police are willing to do this to a middle class,
white barrister *on film*, what are they doing to those with less privilege, whether activists and protesters, young people, people of colour, different classes or those less able to stand up for their rights?
Whilst few of us would deny the importance of covid regs, having been granted such wide powers, the police need to ensure they are not using them in an abusive or biased manner. At the moment there is clear evidence that they are doing so & we all have a duty to resist this.
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