After weeks boasting that my old stage combat instructor @lizzyhtalbot was the ‘sex choreographer’ for Bridgerton, I *finally* got round to watching it... AND CAN I JUST SAY what an incredible job she did in terms of facilitating those scenes safely and comfortably +
+ I think that ‘intimate scenes’ have too long just been a given of something that you’re expected to do in this industry; often with zero safeguarding (mentally or physically). I’m so immensely proud to know Lizzie and that her work is being given the spotlight it deserves +
+ one of my first jobs out of drama school had me filming some (albeit mild) BDSM scenes and I felt so scared and so unable to refuse. So... yes, Lizzie’s ‘sex choreography’ is fucking hot and steamy and amazing but more importantly +
+ is the fact that she’s created a safe space to facilitate that, and to highlight the *need* for such a space. Basically, @lizzyhtalbot is an incredible woman and I’m so glad to have had the chance to work with her (with swords instead of willies though) x
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