Seeing a lot of about this topic recently, so I decided I want to spread some knowledge so people that follow me can know what’s going on and spread a little awareness of a serious subject rn
Currently Sikh farmers in the Punjab region are going through a crisis due to the Indian PM as well as Indian govt. There were three unjust bills that were passed that disenfranchise one of the main producers of food in the area, leading the suicides through drinking pesticides.
The first bill is getting rid of the minimum profits that kissans(farmers) can receive for the crops they produce.

It would essentially be as if we were told that there is no longer minimum wage, and we are going to get paid whatever they feel like paying.
So the second bill, makes it so corporations can relocate the buying centers that fund the livelihoods of farmers to certain states. Because of this, the expenses that farmers have to take increases and their profits decrease due to the cut minimum value.
The third bill, allows the government to unnecessarily stockpile goods that have been produced in order to create artificial scarcity. As a result, it would mean that apples that they bought at 50c per lb is selling at 10 dollars a lb because of this.
In addition to all of this, the bills were not passed fairly. There weren’t any interest groups representing the farmers, so because of this there have been protests across the region, and rightfully so
These protests have been met with extreme police brutality as well as the labeling of protestors as terrorists. Unfortunately, many people don’t see much of this information because it’s censored or distorted in some way.
I hope I was able to impart some knowledge you didn’t already know, spread awareness and fuck Modi.
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