Since tomorrow is the #RoyalRumble I want to spotlight the legend who I felt was the glue to the 1st women's royal rumble match!

✨Thread: Sasha Banks's iconic 2018 Royal Rumble performance ✨
1. Starting off with Sasha making her way to the ring and being the 1st entrant in a women's royal rumble! That wonder woman gear was amazing and fitting to her role this night 🔥🔥
2. Sasha and Becky having an incredible opener as the first two women in the royal rumble match! Could not have chosen a better pair of women's wrestlers to start us off!
3. One of the 1st of many interactions Sasha Banks would have with legends this night: Lita was the 1st surprise entrant at #5. She took Lita's twist of fate and moonsault

"Lita and Sasha now that's a dream match" - Stephanie McMahon 🔥🔥
4. Kairi Sane being the next surprise entrant in the 1st women's royal rumble at #6. Sasha took Kairi's spear, neckbreaker and BEAUTIFUL elbow like no other! To think they had never faced off. Sasha's selling >>>
5. Sasha would then go on to face other entries such as Torrie Wilson, Liv & Sarah Logan! Love how she makes sure anyone coming in gets good offense and looks like a viable contender to win!

The way she set herself up to take Torrie's stinkface! Queen studies the legends🔥🙌
6. Molly Holly came in at #12 and who better to take her Molly-Go-Round that she hadn't done in YEARS, than Sasha Banks! You can tell they really put all their trust in Sasha in this match! She sold it amazingly too 🔥🙌
7. Sasha would then go on to have interactions with Vickie MAGA Guerrero and Michelle McCool!

Sash and Michelle's chemistry though 👀
I would love to see a match between them 🔥
8. As stated earlier, Sasha tried help everyone who was entering the match look good! This included Jacqueline and Naomi

If only we got to see them interact more but Jacqueline PUNCHED HER lmao
9. Sasha would continue working the match and facing women like Asuka, Mickie James and The Bella Twins! Sasha’s selling is beautiful 😍 especially Asuka’s and Brie’s knee strikes
10. After all the women worked together to eliminate Nia Jax, Sasha would sneakily grab Bayley from behind and toss her out eliminating her 😂😂
Charlotte’s face says it all! Sasha wanted to win the rumble this badly to backstab her best friend 🙌🏼🙌🏼
11. The most memorable face off not only for Sasha, but in this entire women’s Royal rumble: Sasha Banks and Trish Stratus! Sasha got in her face and then Trish mocked Sasha looking to deliver Stratusfaction. In the end, Sasha eliminated Trish! Give us a 1 on 1 @WWE 🗣🗣🔥🔥
12. In the end of her iconic near 55 minute performance, Sasha and The Bellas seemed to team up against Asuka. The Bellas being thirsty for the spotlight, would turn on Sasha and eliminating her. Michael Cole said it best: Sasha deserves a standing ovation for that night 🔥🙌🏼👏
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