Do I think the short squeeze is over in $GME & $AMC?

No. May just be beginning. Here’s why. It involves @elonmusk

Yrs ago when same shorts tried to put $TSLA out of business, they built a short position of >40% of the float. Musk said “bring it”. Why did he “want” > shorts?
Musk practically begged hedge funds to short Tesla. Because he understood math/derivatives. He turned wall streets creation against them. Used the structure of a short squeeze & gamma squeeze, using deep out of the money call options, to create a multi yr squeeze in $TSLA 2)
...that continues today. You thought $TSLA was worth $750 billion? Musk knows it’s not about the fundamentals. It’s about derivatives. It’s about gamma squeeze. And it’s why $GME & $AMC & others are doing what they’re doing. Now Wall Street wants to kill their Frankenstein 3)
Instruments. Yes, these squeezes could eventually crash the system. But that’s a story for later. For now, gamma squeezes &’structural short squeezes will continue. Elon & pros like @chamath probably taught it to WSB. 🚀🚀🚀
Full disclosure; long $TSLA from $42. Long $AMC from $5.50.
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