I turned 21 yesterday

21 life lessons I learned so far

1. Friends - they come and go. Keep real people only. People who are not scared to tell you the hard truth. Cut everybody else.
2. Family is your biggest asset - when the world goes against you, go back to the roots, to your family.
3. School isn't everything - I wasn't that good in school. Most of the time I thought I wasn't "smart" enough. Soon I realized school is not for everybody. And that's cool.
4. Refresh your mind - Sports is the most powerful thing you can do for your body and state of mind. When everything goes wrong, go for a run. Give everything out. Press the reset button.
5. Help others - the best way to grow is to help others grow. Someone said to me the other day he's looking to start an internship in a company my family has contacts with. I gave him the number and he got the internship. Do more of that.
6. Materialism - Nothing is going to rip you apart more than a materialistic mindset will. Drop it.
7. Travel more - You'll remember your experiences. Go out and explore new cultures, food, systems. You won't regret it.
8. Live life - Looking forward to the future and analyzing your past is a waste of time. Live the moment and enjoy it to the fullest.
9. Strong handshake - The best way to create a good impression on the person. Practice this daily.
10. Strong eye contact - It takes practice but it's totally worth it. When people talk to you, look them in the eyes. When you talk to them, look them in the eyes.
11. Humour - You can disarm anybody with humor. Make people laugh and they will stick around.
12. Stress less - I was stressing about everything. My exam didn't go well? I'd stress for the next 3 days. In 99% of cases, it's not worth it. Enjoy & laugh.
13. Invest - You've heard it. I know. Still... Buy that course, buy that book, buy that flight ticket, buy that rental property. Just do it. If you win you win, if you lose you learn.
14. There are no failures - Either you learn or your win. Make that mindset shift.
15. Try everything - Don't be one of those people who never try anything. Experience. See what suits you. Tailor your life.
16. Don't determine your future - Some people think their life is over after one big mistake. NO. Keep on living the life. Make it better. Never repeat the same mistake.
17. What they say ain't true - What people say isn't always true. Always observe what other people do.
18. Emotions - If everything irritates you, you will live a miserable life. Full of stress. Looking for "the easy way out" aka drugs, alcohol, social media... Decide that you're in full control of your emotions.
19. Ask for help - Back then I was scared to ask for help, just because I was scared of what they would think of me. Do you really care more about their opinion or you achieving the goal? Think again.
20. Test out what works for you - Especially if you're in your 20s. Test and see what works for you. What works for your friends, won't necessarily work for you. Test multiple things and collect dots. Then connect the dots.
21. Read as many books as you can - I HATED to read back then. Borning books. No real-life value. Just time-consuming. Reading will give you new views on life, money and relationship. Read more.
Thanks for reading.

Let's make 2021 the best year so far!

Also... credit to @AyAy_Ron69 for giving me the idea. Great dude. Follow him now.

- Van
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22. Business - If you’re in your 20s you have nothing to lose.

The most profitable business model was providing services for successful businesses.

How can a 21yo work with million-dollar companies?


I learned how here (referral) https://gumroad.com/a/42464371 
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