Let's talk about how Ronald Reagan set the Republican Party up to fail, how every claim that "the Nazis were socialists!" made it worse, and how Donald Trump was just one of the tigers who came in to finish off the GOP (Gazelles On Parade). …

When Reagan was a candidate for governor of California, he adopted a motto from the state Republican chairman. Reagan called it the 11the Commandment.

"Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.” — Ronald Reagan (1966) …

02 / 15
In statistics, there’s a familiar metaphor called “the drunkard’s walk.” A drunk is staggering down a sidewalk. He might go off left or right. However, if there is a wall on the left side of the sidewalk, then the drunk will always end up going right. it's inevitable. …

Reagan’s 11th Commandment erected a wall on the Republican left, but placed not a single barrier to the right. It meant there was never any internal testing of ideas. There was no competition to challenge and refine claims. No effort to call out extreme views. …

The problem was compounded by Republicans buying into ideas that there is no such thing as "too far right." That's why there have been constant efforts to claim that fascism was "of the left" even though every historian, and every fascist, knew the idea was laughable. …

The GOP was drafting a Ye Olde Map for sailors, where the whole right edge was boldly emblazoned “Here Be Absolutely NO Monsters.” Progressives are well aware of the horrors that come with totalitarian communist regimes. But Republicans preach zero danger on the right. …

The result is that Republicans sailed their ship of state right into fascism. They welcomed aboard every variety of racist, misogynist, and conspiracy theorist. They hauled up nets full of authoritarian beasties who never met a democracy they didn’t want to slaughter. …

They didn't slow for a moment even when they started electing a crew whose philosophy is an inverse of both the Golden Rule and Reagan's commandment.

“Get even with people. If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard. I really believe it.”—Donald Trump (2016) …

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Trump and others like him don't give a flying f*** about Reagan or his rules. They know that, for all its tough talk, the GOP is a party of gazelles that has for six decades refused to police its ranks. The newcomers are tigers. Fascist tigers. …

Josh Hawley opposing votes certified by PA’s GOP legislature is the future of the Republican Party. So is Matt Gaetz travelling 2000 miles to mansplain her own state to Liz Cheney. Fascists aren't just consuming the GOP, the party is defending them while they eat. …

Frustrating as it’s been over those same decades, the fights among Democrats have a different result—a party that’s not completely united in support of a single leader, but is broadly aligned behind a common set of ideals. …

In the Democratic party, the meanings of equality, opportunity, and justice have been continually challenged, continually fought over, and steadily redefined. It’s been messy. It’s been exasperating. It’s cost the party elections and made would-be supporters turn away. …

It’s left Democrats a squabbling, messy, uneasy alliance of diverse peoples pushing toward similar (though far from identical) goals with differing priorities and with varying approaches.

Which is a pretty good definition of a healthy political party. …

Meanwhile, the GOP is deeply ill. If not terminal.

Pro tip: The party of people all raising clenched fists in unflinching support of a single leader and a single point of view is ALWAYS the unhealthy party, no matter what temporary victories they gain.

Now the tigers of fascism are chowing down on the GOP. Whether anything will remain at the end beyond just one fat orange tiger is far from clear.

What is clear is this: Sucks to be them.
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