The #fossilbanksnothanks CONTEXT, HIGHLIGHTS and NEXT STEPS THREAD.
Context 1: If you saw different numbers flying around, that was because the Banking on Climate Change report looked at global banks and was written in USD but many CDN orgs converted into CAD. (Pic in USD)
HIGHLIGHT 1: @toronto350's lovely eviction notices.
HIGHLIGHT 2: @QuitRbc's Leo the Lion Mascot who made about a million branch visits in Montreal.
FLASHBACK HIGHLIGHT: @Gasp4Change delivering 1000!! hand-written Christmas Cards to branch managers in Ontario!
If you missed the action, you can still help send a message to banks in 3 ways.
ACTION 3: Sign Up for Bank Switch, contact your own branch manager or customer service and tell them you plan to move your money to the cleanest CDN bank in April 2021. This one takes a little more effort, but we believe it will scare the banks the most!
You can follow @Climatepledgeco.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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