On the one hand, I hate Cancel Culture, but on the other hand, I disagree with most Cancel Culture critics. One of us is wrong; here's why I think it them.
The most obvious reason is that, since the phrase "Cancel Culture" was coined relatively recently, most critics make the leap that "Cancel Culture" must also be a recent phenomenon. That's simply not true.
The second reason I disagree with them is their completely baseless argument that these "cancellers" are exclusively illiberal leftist. This take might score you a viral tweet but it has no merit.
This is not to say that illiberal leftists haven't cost people their careers and reputation for publicly challenging Left-wing dogma, but does anyone else remember all those journalists that got fired for criticizing the Iraq War? Were those "cancellers" also illiberal leftists?
Anyone else remember Chris Hedges getting booed off stage for criticising the war in Iraq or Bill Maher getting fired from a show unironically called "Politically Incorrect" for telling a bad joke? Clearly, this isnt just Left nor is it new!
Cancel Culture occurs when the public is extremely sensitive about a certain issue and a critic gets fired, not primarily for what he says about it, but WHEN he says it; completely out of sync with public sentiment. That's why it's so repugnant, the hypocrisy of it all.
Admit it, it's easier for Democrats to talk about race without Trump in the White House, isn't it? It was easier for Republicans to criticize the war without a Bush in the WH, wasn't it? The problem isn't Left, it's public sensitivity and hypocrisy.
Anyway, this is why I don't see eye-to-eye with Cancel Culture critics. Because I remember. When they tell me it's a radical leftist invention, they don't realize they're talking to guy who watched Sinead O'Conner get banned for life from SNL for ripping up a picture of The Pope.
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