Nuno is a problem at the moment. Everything that's wrong on the pitch he's ultimately accountable for and he's showing no signs of fixing it. Criticism is justified. Thing is, he's not the biggest issue at the club. If he was to leave, who would lead the search for a replacement?
Do you have any faith in whoever that would be to find the right replacement? Or would they go cap in hand to Mendes and beg for whoever he suggests? If the latter, what are the odds they're better than Nuno? Probably slim, even when he's in a rut like this.
If you jump into bed with the devil like we did with Mendes originally, and lap up all the good times that unique relationship entailed, you had to know bad times would bring extra unique problems. Well here they are. We made our bed long ago and were always happy to lay in it.
Today, and a massive chunk of the past three months, have been way short of acceptable. At the same time, and as things stand, the best person to try to fix this given the circs remains Nuno. That won't necessarily always the case. But until he isn't I would love to see him do it
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