The current @GOP has bastardized the ideology of traditional Conservatism and of the Republican Party.
#Resist #Resistance #Resistance2021 #TheResistance
This is exactly what they have become...
What they have become represents less than 20% of the American people, however their tactics of "the big lie" has spread faster and with more ease than the Covid-19 Pandemic. This is Not Patriotism, This is Not what the Founders advocated, This IS NOT America.
This is nothing more than a Mass Hysteria brought on by distain in some parts of the Governance practices over the past 20-30 years of corrupt acts within, Ignorance, Misinformation desperation for a better system. That coupled with a few good Con Men create what we have today.
There needs to be Accountability for those who created and fueled the fires of the Con, there needs to be systemic changes throughout to make the system better, there needs to be a true effort in creating confidence in the system and the people in charge of it.
Without all of this there will be no broad sweeping unity, there will be millions, who fell for the con, brooding and planning the next revolution, this cannot be allowed to happen again. We almost lost our country, we made it through by the skin of our teeth, the threat still
looms for it's next day in the sun...
Further there needs to be comprehensive policy and law changes to avert the possibility of future endeavors by this ideology coming to power again.
There is no room in Civil societies for this type of behavior in our Government or our homes.
Can we please take a pro-active approach to our reactive system for once?
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