So @davemamsey has touted for 3 months now that they paid off $10M in medical & car debt. Who’s going to ask the pivotal question:

What did they pay for it?

For example, @iamjohnoliver bought $14.9M in med debt for under $60,000. He forgave it too.
Giving every benefit of the doubt, maybe the debt @daveramsey bought wasn’t as old, but transparency would at least note that they didn’t pay anywhere near $10M.

One article initially headlined that they *spent* $10M. Headline was changed.
In shining a light on the lack of regulation governing debt buyers and its potential abuses, Oliver @iamjohnoliver notes that upon buying the debt, they were sent names, current addresses, social security numbers of the debtors.
Oliver @iamjohnoliver: “buying the debt was “absolutely terrifying, because it means if I wanted to, I could legally ... take possession of that list and have employees start calling people, turning their lives upside down over medical debt they no longer had to pay.”
And then @daveramsey had their “employees start calling people.” So employees got these people’s names and numbers and info about their debt? Um, *privacy*?

Aside, did they put them on their mailing list?
That’s not to lessen the benefit to the recipients of the debt forgiveness. But they could have received *that same benefit* -
1) without their privacy being violated by their personal information being given to employees
2) without it being turned into a PR campaign
So instead of it being about generosity, it was an even exchange - exploit my privacy and use it for PR = $$.

In @iamjohnoliver’s words, “There would be absolutely nothing wrong with that except for the fact that absolutely everything is wrong with that.”

Yep, about right.
I’m also trying to figure out how this PR campaign squares with Matthew 6:3-4: “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
We’re watching faith hijacked for an earthly kingdom. If it weren’t for the fact that @daveramsey has pastors lauding and defending these actions, thereby distorting the gospel, I wouldn’t say anything. But the pattern is disturbing.

Matt 6:1-4 is applicable here

Background on pattern of @daveramsey violating people’s privacy
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