Look, Orlando Brown is under contract for 2021. He has no leverage & causing a problem or dogging it isn’t going to help his market value in his walk yr. Not really sure why the drama, if true, but bottom line is if the Ravens want him at RT, he’s going to be their RT in 2021 1/
2/ The have no RT in waiting & have SB aspirations. You don’t give up your PB RT unless you get overwhelmed w/ an offer. Anything less than a 1st Rd pick is IMO not enough & I’d be very surprised if they got that kind of offer. IMO, this is ultimately much ado about nothing.
3/ Since it’s been mentioned, the new CBA makes holdouts pretty much impossible given that not showing up for TC on time means 2021 wouldn’t be an accrued season towards free agency for Brown - ie he’d still be under contract in 2022. Plus, fines are now mandatory & substantial.
4/ In the end, this is likely much ado about nothing. Of course, he wants to be considered a LT, it’s more $$ & he played there at OU, but he’s not going to hold out & causing troubles/playing poorly arent going to help him when he hits FA. Plus, by all reports, he’s a great kid.
5/ Also FWIW, Brown earned the level 3 Proven Performance Escalator based playing time and making the Pro Bowl, so his $920K salary has jumped to $3.384M. Still cheap for a starting OT obviously, but a lot of reports are saying $920K.
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