He doesn’t see the racial terror trump perpetrated on Black and brown people as moral evil either.

Because Glenn Greenwald is a white supremacist who defends white supremacists. He defended them as an attorney. He defends them as a journalist.

Call a thing a thing, people. https://twitter.com/ryanlcooper/status/1353439841535590400
Dude supported the Iraq war and everything since has been penance for that mistake. It’s a fucking performance. He doesn’t care about anything but himself and his weird white man grievances.
He’s got Tucker Carlson on speed dial ffs.

For anyone else, that would be the end of the discussion. But foe some reason white dudes—and Bernie’s former press secretary (yikes)— just love them some Glenn Greenwald.

He’s mean. He lies. He treats his readers like they’re stupid.
Greenwald can’t fathom that AOC was legitimately afraid for her life even after one guy got arrested who was planning to kill her. He gets on the mic with another loud mediocre white dude and has the nerve to mock her.

This dude who lives in a mansion surrounded by favelas. Man https://twitter.com/themattdimitri/status/1355411889946128385
Read the thread in this thread if you haven’t and if for some reason you think I’m being melodramatic.

I’m not. https://twitter.com/angryblacklady/status/1353185829611397120
You can follow @AngryBlackLady.
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