Every single measure you can take to fix society is cordoned off by taboos. Any direction you can move results in a criminal charge: You hate women. You're racist. You're anti-Semitic. You're nativist. You're fascist. You're a fundamentalist.
The conservative movement believes they can appease the thought police by working really hard to prove they are none of these things, not realizing that the purpose of the words is to corral them away from any action that would threaten the order.
The only way out is through. This doesn't mean to start *actually* hating women, being a fascist, etc. Rather, our answer to charges of thoughtcrime has to be, "so what?" instead of the usual lining up the circular firing squad and going on witch-hunts.
If you want to see a larger example of this, look at the Trump admin. Perpetually charged with being an "authoritarian," a "racist," a "fascist," too many conservative leaders were deeply concerned with convincing the left to stop calling them mean names.
Trump was just one guy, and despite 95% support from right-leaning voters, institutional leadership *could not* unite behind him and fight because the Words of Power paralyzed them.
There was a segment of the alt-right back in 2015-2016 that talked about the need to reject the left's moral authority. Cville aborted that, and the movement got subsumed by Actualfa. It's a discussion we need to get back to.
For example, what kind of pro-family policy can you implement that won't be met with charges of "sexism" and "homophobia?" There is none. And you wonder why conservatives talk only of "tax cuts!"
The "right" is defined almost entirely in terms of marginal tax rates because it's the only "safe" topic, the only thing we can do that the left *kind of* doesn't like where a Word of Power can't shut us down. ("You hate the poor!" scares us off spending cuts, though.)
We need to turn our focus onto pro-social policy, message discipline, and expelling anyone from leadership who is easily defeated by a Word of Power.
Seriously. Anyone who apologizes after being hit with a Word of Power needs to be out of leadership. He's too weak to be in charge. Trump *never* apologized. We need more guys like that.
At least we can start calling the left "slaves to corporate power," because, um, they are.
Anyway, as long as we accept the left's framing that we're not allowed to act unless it's in a way they accept as non-racist/sexist/homophobic/etc...we will stay paralyzed. Been like this for decades.
What you have to realize is they call you Words of Power to stop you from acting. There's no set of circumstances where they stop deploying them except submission to their plans for society.
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