A heavy question to ask is “Do you trust me?”

Trusting someone essentially means

we no longer try to protect ourselves in their presence

I don’t want to just say “I love God”

I want to trust God.

I want my faith to be a space where I don’t feel like I have to protect myself
A lot of my faith has been me trying to control/protect myself from God

I’m just a baby in this “surrender” thing & it’s quite opposite to my natural instincts

But I’ve never had more peace

I’ve never felt closer to a joy that is bigger than any singular event or circumstance
I’m not asking you to change everything today

But I’m saying I’ve found it healthy to take a day each week and just ask myself “in what ways am I protecting myself from God?” And “is this how I want my faith to look?”

Communication isn’t about answers

It’s about questions❤️
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