Seriously, what are white conservatives so angry about? It’s as if their entire ideology is built upon imaginary victimhood and lies. Let’s do a quick thread:
“I vote republican because Democrats want open borders!”

Please show me any politician or piece of legislation calling for open borders, you can’t because you were fed lies and believed those lies. Direct your rage at the liars.
“I vote republican because Democrats are trying to take my guns!”

Again, no one is trying to take law abiding citizens guns, you were fed more lies, Democrats are trying to make it harder for criminals to get guns and create an illegal black market for guns. And save lives.
“I vote republican because economic anxiety!”

Why would you vote for the party who destroyed the economy twice in just the past decade (Bush 2009 - Trump 2020) and wants to keep wages low, make your healthcare worse, strip workers rights, and then offer no help when struggling?
“I vote republican because of national security!”

The party that allowed 9/11 happen on their watch? The party that started illegal wars which made us less safe? The party that ALLOWED AN INSURRECTION to happen on our nations Capitol???
“I vote republican because of fiscal responsibility and job creation!”

Then why vote for a party that blew a surplus handed to them by Clinton, spent trillions on illegal wars and tax cuts which sent the debt/deficit into a tailspin and then concluded in a Great Recession?
And after a Democrat (Obama) had to fix an economic crisis created by one republican president (Bush), another republican president (Trump) then created an economic crisis and will once again hand it over to a Democrat (Biden) to fix. And let’s look at job creation numbers:
“I vote republican because I’m prolife?” vote for the party of guns, war, death penalty, no healthcare or food aid, low wages, separating families at the border, and cops kneeling on necks. What kind of life are you really advocating for?
White conservatives are being fed lies and mass delusions on a daily basis and their real anger is the idea of equality and ending white supremacy. It’s imaginary victimhood. They are raging against a system they themselves created. It all comes down to a deep seated bigotry.
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