On a very muddy wet walk towards Streatham and thinking about the fluidity of things in education and schools. True perennial problem of encouraging initiative in staff, and so agility at scale, for me comes down to 3 things #sltchat #edchat
1. Expectations
I love @davidmarquet ’s simple practical “I intend to” approach - it’s an easy habit to roll out and puts the onus of independence on those closest to the problems 2/5
2. Macromanagement
I think teachers find this especially tough but letting people solve those problems their own way is critical. Without that freedom/with too much micromanagement (“date top right”) habits don’t stick & you get the sort of behaviours @LizWiseman describes 3/5
3. Trust
None of the above work without trust. Trust is unhelpfully vague but leaders need to be modelling behaviours and putting in place structures that encourage psychological safety. This seems bizarrely rare. 4/5
If the reason for those three is agility, the evidence to look for is staff a) feeling that they are in what Westrum called a generative culture and b) coming up with brilliant solutions that SLT would not have thought of. A bit like I imagine Geoffrey did. 5/5
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