1. Hundreds of comments appear below Boris Johnson's twitter account repeatedly spamming:

"Boris we love you and stand by you, your doing a great job, keep working hard and doing as your doing! My prime minister❤" https://twitter.com/Ian_Fraser/status/1355175147175636992
2. They're fake, in a way, they're not "Bots" though.
3. It's coordinated by a group of nationalistic / nihilistic football fans, a group of Man Utd (?) supporting trolls called "LUHF".

Presumably the accented letters used to avoid automatic word filters, that they imagine might look for homophobic content, which is pretty lame.
4. A play on the acronym "LUHG", as in:

"Love United, Hate Glazers"

5. Anyway, this isn't the first time a bunch of ideological or nihilistic trolls got together and pretended to be "bots", by posting the same copy paste phrase over and over.

They do it to wind others up, to fool people and muddy the waters.

BBC 2019: https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-50218615
6. They're just messing about.

They like to see people mistake them for "bots".

They're not bots. But they are fake, in a way.
7. Probably organised on Discord, Telegram, 4chan.

Who knows.

Who cares.
8. Very real. Very genuine. Welcome to the @TrollZoo ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
You can follow @TrollZoo.
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