A Sikh man still standing after being brutally attacked by indian police. This is happening in India as we speak. Use. Your. Voice. If you claim to love the sikh community as much as you do when we’re giving lorry drivers food then raise awareness to what’s happening in India.
we have seen what the indian state is capable of from the ongoing oppression of sikhs since 1947, 1984 & now 2021. please use your platform to raise awareness and educate those around you. if you call yourself punjabi, if you listen to punjabi music or embrace the punjabi culture
and you’re not talking about this then shame on you. our culture isn’t your aesthetic. if you only talk about sikhs when we’re feeding people then again, shame on you.
never do i want to see “we love the sikh community” from anyone who has not bothered to raise awareness to what’s happening in india as we speak. staying silent isn’t an option anymore. if you are silent then you have chosen the side of the oppressor.
please keep the kisaans in your ardasan. #farmersprotest #kisaanmajdoorektazindabad
tw: police brutality / violence

in this video you can see the police attacking the sikh man after dragging him off his tractor. during this attack his turban fell off. #farmersrprotest
tw: sexual assault / violence

this is horrific. https://twitter.com/gskooner/status/1356213918146973696
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