Welcome to my thread on The Eminem Show!

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So The Eminem show is my favorite album and so i decided to do this thread. As you might know the album was released in 26th of May, 2002. After the huge releases that SSLP and MMLP were Em was in a huge pressure to continue the hype train rolling. Its important for you to
remeber that a lot was going on with his life at the time (production of 8-Mile; lawsuits; Kim´s divorce). With that being said we can agree we see a more mature eminem in this album compared to the others.
Em decided to call his third album the eminem show bc as he said “My life is a show. Sometimes i dont know were my private life ends and my public life begins it all seems to blender a lot”. So his opening for the first time “the curtains” and the show has just began.
From the opening chords of White America we know that TES is going to be a really good show. The slow build-up the bass, the jet fly-over, the scream of “AMERICA!” almost as if he is addressing a crowd at a political rally. It’s like he is “setting the stage” for his entire album
The song is aimed directly at Lynne Cheney and Tipper Gore, two consecutive vice-presidential wives who tried to censor all references to sex, drugs, and violence from popular culture and as you might guess tried to cancel Em (failed miserally haha)
If White America sets the overall stage, then the next few songs get more specific, introducing an individual conflict that disturbs Em.
The next song its basically a rap version of Batman where Em and Dre fight the villain, bad lyricism, and save the rap game. Since this whole song has a comic-ish theme we can find a lots of Batman references (To the rapmobile/The Dynamic Duo/Same blonde air, same rap channel)
After that comes one of my fav songs, Cleaning out my closet, where he talks about his conflict with his mom. The anger when he speaks about his relantioship with her makes you understand that his difficult childhood still hunts and hurts him.
Its also a clap back to all the critics who were judging without knowing the skeletons he carries around, who made him who he is.
So with Square Dance Em attacks Canibus and delivers an anti-draft, anti-war, anti-Bush message. But it also gives us another conflict he has. The conflict that had always been present in his albums: the white rapper in a black art form and the real desire to be taken seriously
by the rappers he most admired. This is one of the conflicts that remains unsolved until the end of the album.
But then as quickly as this new conflict appeared another one came too. The back and forth between the Eminem and Marshall Mathers characters, the relationship between the things he raps about and how he might have begun believing in the violent persona he portrayed in his record
He feels like he must live up to the persona he’s created on his albums. The song Soldier and the skit The Kiss are in that way not only about the situation with his wife but also about his personas, the fear of becaming someone who you didnt want to became.
The conflict continues in Say Goodbye Hollywood as we see him struggling with his public and private life. He feels trapped by fame and blames the “Hollywood life” for his failed relantionship with kim and his unstable life. It comes to such a point where he feels that he never
should’ve rap to begin with. Fame is his prison, his devil who force him and his daughter to live in a “bubble”.
With Drips we are still in the subject of Kim when Obie and Em by storytelling tells us that she gave them an STD. Its the moment where his Slim Shady persona rises and with that his teeling us that regardless his problems he still can bring his Shady persona. Use condoms please!
His Shady persona continues in WM with him adressing another conflict: He being everything mainstream society hated in rap. However its a conflict that he takes in a fun way. Its him stating that the music industry needs him and reminding people he's still very controversial
Remenbering the conflict in his last song, SFTM, is the response to why people identify with him. With meaningful and touching lyrics Em targets the kids who use rap to escape from their problems. He acknowledges that the masses will never understand that until he is gone.
In the meantime he will continue to do his thing, he will “Sing for the Moment”.
While this song speaks of how women love Slim Shady but not the real Marshall Mathers, it also about the antithesis of his Superman complex, he wants to take care of everybody, but people only take advandage of it thus he cant be their superman. Its also about his relationship
with Mariah who entered his world (not only that if you know what i mean) and fucked up.
The next song fits perfectly bc after he declaring he doesnt care/trust women he professes his love for his daughter. She’s the person who makes him calm/peaceful, the person who makes things bearable to live for even when things get hard, she is a person thats worth fighting for
After that we have another conflict that surrounds Em’s life: people confusing lyrics with real life. Its basically D12 saying when the musics stops I am a normal person not a crazy rapper. While everyone else in the track talks about what happens
when the music stops is bizarre’s verse that ends the conflict when he basically says: Oh I listen do this and I did that and something bad happened, sounds ridiculous to you then dont do it.
The next song is a pure diss towards Jermaine Dupri, rapper Canibus, and The Source Magazine. Eminem and Dre take turns on the verses as if they are trying to tell u they’re a team and whoever comes at one is coming at the other too.
Now remeber when i said that Em wished to be accepted by other rappers in the platfrom and it was one of the conflicts that remain unsolved. Well Till I Collapse is the conclusion to this problem. For the first time in his carrer he doesn't seek for validation no more and even
places himself on the GOAT list. After all the song is about you being true to yourself and fighthing over what you believe and not caring about what other people have to say.
With the last song of the album Em is aiming his lyrics to the media in generally because they always portrait him as a insensitive/crazy guy (thus the hook my dad’s gone crazy) and with his ability to seamlessly blend comedic/dramatic elements into his songwriting he intends to
say that his music is to make people feel differents types of ways.
That's it!! Thank you to everyone that read the whole thread. I apreciate you guys a lot. Hope that now we can agree TES is his best album and if you’re not reading this… well shame on you!
Ahhhh almost forgot. Let's appreciate the real goat...
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