For those of you asking "us" (people who receive pictures of genitals and who are being abused and misbehaved with) to 'IGNORE' such messages or 'let the dogs bark' - NO we CAN NOT and MUST NOT.

Here is why : Swipe ←

Reasons why we mustn't ignore cyber abuse:

1) There are more individuals on social media platforms who are dealing with similar issues! Some of them are minors i.e. under 18 years of age.

2) These predators won't stop just with you and target other individuals!
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3) They will continue to do so, until they learn that there are serious consequences to their actions.
4) Tomorrow if your brother/sister/miscs/family members have to deal with something similar, you will know how to take care of it!

What to do in case of Cyber Harassment/Abuse and Image-Based Sexual Abuse?

1) Take screenshots of the chat.

2) File a complaint on 
You can go ahead and file a complaint anonymously.

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2) If you are a woman you can file a complaint on  as well.

3) Make sure you report the chat to the platform on which you are being harassed - it can be problematic since some platforms have terrible AI's, yet, still give it a try!

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4) @maliniagarwal has some great systems in place and @shubhamcybrxprt is extremely helpful, if you reach out to them, they will try and do the best they can to help you out!

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Lastly, please share your story, even if you want to do it anonymously, we will be more than happy to help! You could be helping so many individuals who are going through something similar.
It can traumatise people who are on the receiving end.

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And if you've been there (on the receiving end), you know of it. So, please help where you can. Do your bit.

I hope this helps some of you out here.

You are magic ✨
You can follow @laavanya_raturi.
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