I see really positive messages about people teaching their kids to love everyone.

Sorry I'm not that good or have that kind of faith in the world. I'm teaching my daughter the moves to take a man down works on ALL men. So theirs no reason to fear ANY of them more than another
I truly feel that a lot of modern racism is seeped in fear & feelings of inadequacy.

So I teach my daughter if she wants to be, she can be as good if not better than anyone else. To always be confident & strong & the baddest bitch in the land. (I PG that up for her)
One more thing, and this is not race related but I believe it's very important.
I tell my daughter that her mom (whom I'm no longer with) is a queen. & I list positives about her mom.
I think it's important for women to grow up knowing its ok for a man to respect & admire them
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