@DanDomDaddy1 has asked me to assist in his purchase of a new crop. I thought I would take the opportunity to put together a thread dealing with the subject starting from the point of never having bought or used one before through to my recommendation in relation to our...
2) preferred standard crop. Once both Dom and sub have decided they are wanting to try impact play with one, a search will reveal endless options. Until you have used one, and been on the receiving end, there is no guarantee it is something you will want to continue so my...
3) first recommendation is to buy a fairly cheap, standard one to try. For this, avoid adult shopping sites. Even their cheap versions tend to be more expensive than going to an equestrian shop, or even Amazon, where you can pick one up for only a few £s. These are examples...
4) Take the time to learn how to use it safely and, of course, to establish both the sub’s limits...AND the Dom’s. Just because a sub may be happy and want more, it absolutely doesn’t mean a Dom is comfortable delivering a higher level of impact. Once you have established that...
5) you are BOTH wishing to use/receive one, you may wish to upgrade your crop. The ones shown above have a plastic shaft. I would always recommend an entirely leather bound one. Sturdier and easier to clean, they last a lot longer and are less likely to snap. Remember that...
6) all BDSM equipment that comes into contact with skin collects grease and skin cells (apologies for the 🤮) but it’s true and, as such, I believe it should be regularly cleaned. The leather flap at the end is known as the ‘keeper’. Whatever crop you choose, the keeper will...
7) make some sort of sound when it impacts on the skin. The larger the keeper, the louder the sound. Certainly, for both of us, a good, loud ‘crack’ is one of the pleasures of using a crop.
The crop shown in panel 5 is a standard leather loop keeper. Whilst it’s loop means...
8) there are, in effect, two flaps of leather, because they are joined at the top, the sound effect is minimal. If you want a loud, satisfying crack, you need a crop which has a double, unjoined, keeper and this is where my crop recommendation lies. The longer the keeper, the...
9) louder the sound. This is mine. It isn’t a horse riding crop and you won’t find it in any equestrian store. It is a bespoke BDSM crop, quite heavy in weight, and the keeper is 7” in length from the shaft and, as you will see, double. I can’t begin to tell you how loud this...
10) beauty is. So, if you want a quality crop, this is the type. I’m not sure where ours came from but a simple search has found one at @Lovehoney for £26.99. This is not entirely leather but, if you do a little research I’m sure you could find one if you prefer. I do like the...
11) name of this one ‘The Motivator’ 😈. Also to be considered is one that is more solid in design and a good cross between a crop and a paddle. It produces more of a thud but still a satisfying sound on impact. It is a standard horse racing whip. The keeper on this one...
12) which is ours, is 11” and, within the keeper, is a polymer shaft, cushioned in foam. It is also known as an ‘air cushion whip’. The only other whip I’m going to talk about here is the dressage or schooling whip. Entirely different from the crop, in both design and use, it...
13) has always been our preference to use with our horses. It is only to be used with care on a sub as it’s thin and very flexible design makes it sting sharply. It is my preferred ‘motivator’ with BTO and, if you’ve seen her re-schooling tales then you will see how it is most...
14) often used here but, nevertheless, a good addition to your BDSM kit. We have a couple of different versions as depicted here...
15) As with everything in our lifestyle, personal preference is the key. Whatever you choose and do, just make sure both parties are entirely comfortable with the involved play and, Doms, make sure you know what you’re doing and remember your safe impact zones. I hope this may...
16) have been useful to at least a few of you. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. To finish here’s some horses laughing because you’re not going to use your purchase on them!
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