25 subreddits focusing on 'LGB Alliance' and' LGB drop the T' have been banned, all 'owned' by a single user.

It's also noteworthy that there seemed to be some 'anti-TERF' subs, suggesting an attempt at either false-flagging or controlled opposition to their stance. https://twitter.com/ImplausibleGrrl/status/1355229914019016706
LGBA has a history of trying to appear bigger and more legitimate than they really are using dishonest tactics like this.

They set up 4 different Twitter accounts, claiming to represent LGB people from political groups, all were set up (and banned) by a single user.
The vast majority of accounts they do have that claim to represent 'international' sub-groups are hosted from within the UK and all of these 'international' groups have a following consisting of mostly UK based accounts.

It's all just to give the impression of a larger movement
Anyone who's had to interact with 'gender critical' Twitter is well aware of the obscene amount of 'sock puppet' accounts that Astroturf the replies of those who show support to trans causes.

"UK transphobia is just the same 12 people wearing different coats."
Here's a good thread on the topic : https://twitter.com/DavidPaisley/status/1330480707043471360
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