I'm going to delete my tweets to Benjamin to be on the safe side, as we know, we are not playing on a level playing field.

Here is a record of the interaction.

2. https://twitter.com/benjamincohen/status/1354183719217729537?s=20
3. https://twitter.com/benjamincohen/status/1355451762812051459?s=20
6, but probably 5.

I think I'll carry on shouting to the 25K people following me, and demonstrating to them what a jumped up misogynist dominating ass you are Ben.

Not that it's new to them.

You kind of gotta admire the narcissistic chutzpah of someone who thinks them blocking you stops anyone else ever hearing you.

I think this is how their 'we didn't try to silence you look you're over there *still speaking*' logic works.
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