Some effects of eating disorders and recovery that need to have more awareness (thread).
1. Bone density

Malnutrition WILL have a big effect on your bone density. Many with restrictive EDs end up with osteoporosis. Not everyone does but almost everyone will be affected in some way.
2. Hormones

Women may well lose their periods, and men may lose testosterone production.
This can take years to come back and for some may lead to infertility.
3. Blood sugars

Low blood sugar can be very common and some may not be able to drive as a result.
4. Split personality

This can be very common, anything out of routine could make someone very anxious or snappy, especially if it gets in the way of mealtimes or exercise.
5. Bloating!

This is so common both in ED and during recovery. GI symptoms are very common as the digestive system slows to preserve energy. This can take a while to start again.
6. Overshoot in recovery

As nutritional rehab continues, the body may temporarily hold onto more energy in anticipation of the next famine & to repair damage done by the ED. Target weights don’t take this into account. Restriction during this time isn’t conducive to recovery
7. Weird food rules

Rumination, stirring things a certain number of times, only having certain foods at certain times. These are all pretty common but are often stigmatised.
8. Secrecy

Eating disorders thrive in secrecy. Both eating and exercise/purging.
It’s embarrassing to have an ED sometimes.
9. Recovery is a process.

For some, recovery is a lifelong commitment, others may feel freedom from all ED thoughts. The one thing that’s common is it’s a process that takes time
10. Recovery is exhausting

Imagine trying to work a full time job inside your mind whilst also trying to live a “normal” life.
11. It’s a fear you can’t avoid

We have to eat to live, it’s like an alcoholic who does beer tasting for a job, or someone petrified of heights who cleans high rise buildings. Multiple times a day we have to face our fears and addictions
12. Early intervention!!!

No more needed to say about this one.
13. They’re dangerous

EDs have the highest mortality rate of ANY psychological illness.
14. It’s not about weight

EDs are a psychological illness, BMI should never be a factor in determining who gets help.
15. They’re on the rise

20% of women and about 13% of men now have clinical signs of eating disorders, only 8% of those are underweight.
16. You can always recover

No matter how long the illness has been going on for, recovery is always possible with the right help, but you have to commit to recovery to get there.
17. Services are hugely under resourced

Most of the time, only the 8% who are underweight (or even less) actually receive help for their issues. This leaves a huge proportion who are left to fend alone. This has to change
18. They can happen at any age

Most of the time EDs develop in adolescence, but not always. many adults struggle too
19. Dieting and the Diet Industry feeds ED behaviours

Lots of your standard diets are basically promoting disordered eating. 25% of dieters will go onto develop an eating disorder.
20. The time for change is now

Things have to change urgently. This is a silent epidemic that will explode after lockdown/Covid. It's time to change and ensure everyone can access the help they deserve.
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