As the numbers of the Covid dead in the UK rise my heart breaks into ever smaller pieces. For every one and their loved ones, and the medical and support teams of course - but even more so for my disabled community (1/5)
Disabled people make up one third of all UK lives lost to date. Disabled women are over 11 times more likely to die; disabled men over 6 times more likely to die.  (2/5)
Why is this not a national scandal? Why are the papers, the news, the socials not shocked? Why is this accepted as reasonable? There are calls to reopen, to restart, to just let the most vulnerable die to get back to ‘normal’. Each of these hits home. Punches me in the gut (3/5)
That’s me. That’s my mum. That’s my mates. You think think our lives are expendable? That we are worth less than you? And you really think that would work? With the NHS full to bursting, schools already struggling with Covid and the children of key workers? (4/5)
The vaccine provides a hope – imperfect of course, as most solutions are – but it's no quick fix. I’m (im)patiently waiting for my turn. But we need more than a vaccine. We know that we are valuable not ‘vulnerable’. We need you to know that too. And to act accordingly. (5/5)
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