A stream of consciousness: what could be, based on historic actions of the r/wallstreetbets; where on another thread @coloradodeano asked for thoughts on how oppositional groups who all believe in the #2A could work together to protect the 2nd

#2ADefenders #guncontrol

Yes, I am listening to sea shanties; The Wellerman, where the diversity of voices combined become an incredible harmony of unity; by this unity, able to accomplish anything, then on to some kPop/VNV Nation mashup

Now, there's some very well known 2A Advocates

@MrColionNoir @DLoesch @MAJTOURE @ms_ezell @mom_at_arms @BearingArmsCom

then the ones you *should* know

@MassadAyoob @GunsiteAcademy ThunderRanch (IG) @bowtiegunguy

Powerful voices within the #2A community, both on & offline; multiple platforms

@thereal_SnS @CamEdwards @clefore23 @TopShotChris @GabbyFrancoTS4

Then the organizations; @gunpolicy @GunOwners @liberalgunclub @CCRKBArms @EmPOWERed_2A

Bringing up a strong foundation in grassroots is @2nd4Everyone @SocialistRA @jillyo4reallyo @Ivan_Is_Back @Hoplitemagazine @OpBlazingSword @ArmedEquality

I know i'm missing important individuals/groups; i need to get to the request.

First off, this is MY view and MY opinion of what I've personally seen and worked on over the past 5 years in #WA2A advocacy. My focus is #WAState, preventing the CA/NJ laws infecting where I call home while trying to educate/advocate

Here in the Puget Sound Area, the the polarization is significant depending on which side of the mountains you live on. Eastern WA: it's NRA/2A entwined, hard focus; Western WA, FPC as well as SRA are more active with @2AFDN

For those still reading, I'm the public admin (1 of 3) for Pink Pistols Seattle / Tacoma chapters. We combined the two when membership wasn't as high, trying to serve the community as best as possible

We've held chapter range events from West Coast Armory in Bellevue, Bull's Eye Range in Tacoma, Norpoint in Arlington, Marksmen in Puyallup; as well hosting range/clinic events in National Forest/State Forest lands

Providing a comfortable setting during our range meets, our Pink Pistols chapters have been able to introduce firearms to those who have never held a firearm before. Several who, until our event, anti-guncontrol

What will it take for the diverse comm to come together? Honestly, swallowing our Pride. Between the "Fudds" to "cold dead hands" added into the political heat of Left/Right; Democrat/Republican/Libertarian; Anarchist/NeoCon; ...

our differences blind us to the most important part:

we are all human, and protecting the Human Right of Self Defense is key and critical

This single focus is how we, in my Ever So Humble opinion, is what we need to grasp and hold, so this right we have, bestowed as we took our first breath of air leaving the womb, is for all.

Before 2020, there had been a concerted effort of all sides to come together, to show a united front against the politicians (looking at you Laurie Jinkins) who were intentionally misusing public health as a means to destroy Civil Rights

the lockdowns and economic collapse here in WA State fueled the division (i'm not innocent of the entrapment); were silence by local politicians has prevented grief, healing, and the community working together

What do i mean by working together? Showing up to the Tacoma City Council to vocalize how the gun and ammo tax will maliciously force single mothers and minorities to be defenseless in a governmental caused crime increase

why do I say the governmental crime increase? Loss of Jobs, Loss of Hope to be able to provide a home, a meal for oneself and family. The lockdowns descimated small businesses. E

Even before 2020, the lack of opportunity for those who had paid their sentence for a conviction were not shown or provided the pathways to provide for their family. Whether anger management, or job training: this lack fuels crime

Then, lack of mental health care to help those in need. Those so desperate, despondent, or in acute chronic pain: see no other option but suicide. Organizations such as @holdmygun & @intheforefront suicide prevention are outreach WE the 2A are doing

Followed up by outreach. 2019, the Seattle/Tacoma Pink Pistols chapters were are SEVEN festivals between Seattle & Tacoma Prides to Gun Rights Coalition's Legislative day. On the ground, communicating w/anyone who had questions/concerns

That's where we succeed. Being out in our communities: educating. Show our neighbors, coworkers, that the 2A is THE most diverse, welcoming community. Where it does not matter what your political belief is, or where you live, or who you love

And for those who are still reading this, almost 5K characters later, my olive branch is extended. I know we all will not agree on everything, but our 2A Human Right is too critical to let fall


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