Brexit’s place as the home of confirmation bias is underlined by the EU vaccine debacle. Remainers keen to downplay the abhorrent behaviour of an arrogant trading bloc. Brexiteers revelling in EU vaccine stupidity while fingers remain in ears re: every other issue Brexit’s caused
Since Day 1 of the whole saga, it was clear so few were willing or able to say this is a complex question & there are some valid arguments worth hearing on both sides. Instead we became a nation where 80% of people made their mind up immediately then refused to hear anything else
Social media is probably to blame, at least in part, by reducing any argument to a bite-sized couple of sentences. Easier to read one 160-character option and accept or reject it in binary fashion than battle with cognitive dissonance.
Our transformation into a nation of emotional wrecks has its roots in 1997. Millions throwing flowers at the hearse of a woman they didn’t know signified the shift in finding answers to conundrums from a logic based process to an emotional one. This has never been reversed.
If you are one of the small minority thinking “I’m still not 100% sure on whether this Brexit thing is a good idea or not” good on you. Let all the others continue to RT every tweet that matches their long-standing view and skirt over any disagreement. They’re lost causes anyway.
You can follow @nickgoff79.
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