Queer Time is not "everyone is late all of the time and that's OK", it's "no-one makes assumptions about different people's time needs and everyone works to adapt to and support each other's needs".
Shout out to all the other autistic queers whose version of mad crip time is "every day has a rigorous schedule and deviating from it risks a meltdown that requires at least a day of recuperation".
I have autistic friends whose version of crip time is "I need flexibility in plans, understanding when I'm late, & support in getting things done in a timeframe". My version is "I need a plan and schedule several days in advance or I can't do it". We're friends, we make it work.
So I'm pretty frustrated with people who are always late, never ask about my own time needs, are never honest about their time needs, and then declare "it's queer time!" Well, it's not my queer time.
At the start of the week I know fairly clearly what I'm doing each day. At the start of the day I know very clearly what I'm doing each hour. Making spontaneous plans is extremely rare. Sudden changes of plan are difficult; multiple changes in a row literally knock me out.
Yes, colonial capitalism organised time into a rigorous clock. Something something trains something factories something something globalisation of the 9-5 working day. However, this does not mean that having a schedule is itself capitalist.
In fact, capitalism does not demand rigorous timekeeping of everyone. It demands both timekeeping and endless flexibility of those without power, especially as labour precaritises: unplanned overtime, varying zero hours contract schedules, doing what the boss says he needs.
To require either precise timekeeping or total flexibility from someone, without consent or mutuality, is to exert power over someone.
Youse all think you're going to run a queer anarchist agricultural commune and you're not going to be subject to a rigorous daily and seasonal schedule of crop and livestock care? You've never been to a farm and it shows.
Youse aren't making your meetings adaptable to the time needs of people who look after children, people with long and irregular work days, people who are giving you the precious free time they have, and you call it queer? lol.
tl;dr: Everyone has different needs around time, drawn from their position within kyriarchal colonial capitalism. Queering capitalist time means working out how to meet a variety of needs, means forming relationships where we undo the temporal power relationships between us.
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