Morning everyone. Day 30 of #TwitterBirdsong and it’s the last day of Corvid Corner.
Say hello to the raven.
This could take a while. Because ravens have a huge and AMAZING array of sounds. Here's the basic gronk. 

That common raven sound, like many of them, is notable for its depth in comparison with the bird's smaller cousins. These calls are, I suppose, a bit more 'crow-like', but are still recognisably raveny.  #TwitterBirdsong
I'll stop in a minute, because I don't want to spam you, but these are hardly even scratching the surface of this extraordinary bird's vocalisations. Here's an example of their upper range. 
Before I let you get on with your Saturday, I'm just going to throw in one more corvid. Because if I don't, you can bet someone will pop and say 'oh but what about...'

Say hello to the chough.
Unless you live on the Welsh or Cornish coast, you're unlikely to run into a chough in the UK, but they are terrific birds, and we're definitely here for terrific birds. Here's a family group making their high-pitched 'kyaaa' sound. 
You can follow @LevParikian.
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