I am now at the end of January 2021 and still no new stock. I can see clearly what #Brexit really means for my industry & how I will have to fundamentally change my business model if I am to be trading in 12 months time. But the government wants more paperwork in five months.1/15
This week I have been kept busy by planning how to ship wine to minimise the substantial rising costs. Now I can see the full carnage of what this government has done to my industry and the wider economy. But still no apology from any government official. 2/15
My business was big on Groupage shipping which meant we could offer a very broad selection of mid ranged wines to our customers all over the U.K. . It is this ranging which makes us who we are and why we win all our trade awards. 3/15
However Brexit has put pay to that because of the paperwork now required, and more importantly the related cost for each document. It’s simply not viable to ship multiple wines with multiple paperwork on one or two pallets anymore. Another Brexit Dividend. 4/15
The wine trade will suffer a reduction in ranging as specialised wine importers like me will work to find ways to try & keep as much as possible with the minimum of increase. But prices have already started to increase. That £1.50 increase is a Valentines Day treat. 5/15
To try and maintain the same service in one region I have arranged to ship 9 pallets of wine with one set of documents, where before I would ship one or two pallets. I have only been able to do this with the help from suppliers & customers bulking up the total shipment. 6/15
Then on Tuesday the government announced that, despite bitter opposition from 99.9% of the wine industry on a global basis, they propose to introduce Vi-1 from July 1st 2021 and apparently have the trades support. Yes folks more fucking paperwork and lies from government!! 7/15
People will not know what a Vi-1 is,here is a short explanation.This document confirms the origin of a wine under lab conditions normally, & is an analysis of alcohol among other things. Its introduction would restrict the U.K. industry as a wine destination hub for ALL wine.8/15
So why on earth would the government be doing this and more importantly why has @victoriaprentis misrepresented both to the HOC and the HOL with the support from the industry she does not have. It’s a lie to say that the trade wants this and the red tape it brings. 9/15
To just confirm all wine already conforms to strict rules which are set out by the local authorities where it is made. The U.K. government has already forced producers in the EU to get REX numbers which confirms wine origins. 10/15
So now this government want wineries to confirm that their Bordeaux wine made in Bordeaux which has already undergone local certification, is certified again as Bordeaux and then lab tested to check its from Bordeaux. What a waste of fucking time and money! 11/15
The government does not understand how wine works and doesn’t consult with the industry. That’s pity as its now the UK’s preferred alcoholic beverage, it’s essential that when the on trade reopens it’s good shape to support this side of the industry which is on its knees. 12/15
We can all agree that eventually we will get past Covid (no thanks to Johnson) & when tourism starts again we will need a strong hospitality industry, well folks this is dependant on a strong wine industry so this is important for all of us. 13/15
It’s also worth noting that government seems to think we can just drink wines from countries outside the EU. Again this is a myth. New world countries do not produce anywhere near the volume required to replace EU wines. It’s much better for the environment if we drink EU. 14/15.
To conclude #Brexit has severely damaged the Wine trade FOREVER. Wine costs more, choices have declined , the government wants more red tape for an industry it does not understand, & the Chief importer system from 1988 won’t be replaced anytime soon. #teethingproblems 🤦🏻‍♂️15/15
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