MAJORIE TAYLOR GREENE believes that liberals/democrats arrange actors and “fake” shootings as a disturbing distraction to take away our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. This means, she believes the victims of multiple mass shootings since Sandy Hook etc, were “false”
flags! Many lives have been taken in these shootings. Families, friends, survivors.. ALL living with guilt and PTSD fighting everyday! No empathy from the brainwashed! So I’d like to inform her that gun laws have hardly changed.. that there is a HUGE additional significant part👇🏽
of the Second Amendment (why it was originally created) she CLEARLY missed! And that like my friend who was murdered at the hands of Stephen Paddock in the worst mass shooting at the hands of a single shooter to date ; the “good guy in the crowd” didn’t save her or the 57 👇🏽
other lives! Moral? Hundreds of people are dead, thousands scarred for life in the years and years of mass shootings!! Here’s the thing, YOU STILL HAVE YOUR GUN Majorie!
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