I had some lovely responses from my little insight into the relationship between Kenneth Grahame and Ernest H. Shepard so I thought I would share another. Away from 'Wind in the Willows', this time we look to their collaboration on 'Bertie’s Escapade' (1/4) - more below
When reflecting upon what Shepard’s art brought to the book, Louis Slobodkin (then editor of The Horn Book), notes the ‘humanistic quality’ of his work and his ability to unify the mood and emotion of Grahame’s ‘script’. (2/4)
Preparing to sing carols outside Mr. Stone’s Lodge, Peter, Benjie and Bertie are wrapped up as warm as they can be whilst still retaining those anthropomorphic states for the reader. There is something intimately childlike in their pose and gestures (3/4)
Everything in this picture, Slobodkin tells us, has a purpose: ‘a place & function’. Each line brings meaning. All achieved, she closes, with ‘a few scratches and specks of black ink.’ I attach a beautiful quote from Slobodkin on illustrations in children’s books 🥰 (4/4)
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