Allah SWT has given men the responsibility to protect women. Especially, the women they are related to. But often, Muslim men forget that it is a responsibility, and start using it as a right to abuse the women in their lives.
They forget that they are supposed to protect the women, even from themselves
The first injustice some people do to the ladies is to dread the birth of a female child, and be sad when one is born. This is like disagreeing with the will of Allah (Nauzubillah) and judging someone from the very moment they are born.
Then, if the girl child has a male sibling, there's a contrast in their treatment and upbringing. Male children getting better nutrition, education, facilities, comfort, attention, etc. This is not just wrong, I think this is a sin.
Girls are treated as liabilities, a burden, for whom the parents will have to pay a hefty dowry so she could get married. Boys are treated as blank cheques who will get dowry when married and then will continue their lineage
Boys raised in an environment where they've seen their mother and sisters serving them and their father like slaves would only think that that is how women should be treated and that this doesn't harm them emotionally in any way. So this is how they will treat their wives
It is extremely unfortunate that we have adopted Islam as a religion, but we haven't adopted it as a way of life. Many of us don't see the error of our ways. Those of us who treat our women better seem to think that we're doing them some favour. It is pathetic
Of course the condition in other cultures is much worse. But we do not compete with those cultures. We have the gift of guidance. We have to utilise this guidance to be better human beings and please our Lord.
Say No to Dowry. Stop treating women like slaves. Give them affection, attention, show them mercy, be patient and gentle with them. They are your equals before your Lord. Start today. Start this moment
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