Framing "close to zero" as a promise is false. It is a strategy. Something has to be done to keep the virus out. I suspect the hardest part is not the border but the 2k Ro-Ro truck entries per day and potential for supply chain disruption. At least discuss it.
I'm not sure how it could work. 2k trucks/day = 2k drivers as essential workers. 8% positivity is too many to track. 2% might be ok with fast border testing and swapping driver from negative standby pool while driver is quarantined until truck is returned to port.
The lower the positivity the easier to manage and the less supply chain disruption which is the whole point. False negative rate would be the leaky part and that's where effective contact tracing comes into play.
The border is also difficult no doubt. Restrict movement over it until numbers reduce and NI will follow suit if not move together in some shape or form with or without Westminster. Anything else means continued rolling lockdown for a long time despite vaccination rollout.
Effective action as part of a strategy is required. Sitting on hands until provoked into a token response is not leadership. It's an abdication of responsibility and carries a level of negligence, if not culpability. Last yr was the right time for action. Next best is now.
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