The mainstream media is still pushing the absurd false narrative that if January 6th had been a little more violent, it would have resulted in Trump somehow magically remaining in office. This is nothing but doomsday fiction. Why do we let the media make up nonsense like this?
Of all the dozens of mainstream media pundits who have pushed the notion that Trump “almost succeeded” in magically winning on January 6th, not one of them has even tried to explain how it somehow could have worked out that way – because it’s that laugh out loud absurd.
January 6th could have gone much worse for us than it did. Some of our elected leaders could be dead right now. Horrifying. But would that have somehow magically resulted in Trump remaining in power? Of course not. No media pundit is stupid enough to actually believe this.
The mainstream media inundates us with ratings-driven doomsday conspiracy theories every day, nearly all of which center around someone in politics waving a magic wand. Not only is it false news, it’s insultingly stupid false news. Why do you choose to swallow this bullshit?
You know this kind of breathless ratings driven doomsday hyperbole doesn’t make any logical sense, yet you let the media repeat it to you over and over again until it “sounds” true based on repetition alone.
Why do I blame you for the fact that the media constantly tries to deceive you with this kind of ratings driven fictional hysteria? Because you’re the only one who can stop it. The media won’t stop lying to you, until you take a stand against the media lying to you.
Of course the media spent four years scaring you into believing that Trump could magically pardon his way into a second term, or magically manipulate the post office into a second term. So if you fell for those laugh out loud idiotic ratings grabs, it’s a slippery slope.
"But we can never be too vigilant!" No, you're just gullible. The media makes up tall tales of political figures waving magic wands, and you eagerly fall for it, because you like simplistic tall tales that aren't as complex or thought-heavy as the real stories of the day.
And the media knows you're willing to sit back and be lied to. It spent the entire 2016 election milking you for ratings with an imaginary email scandal that anyone with an IQ above 5 knew was a false story. Yet most of you sat there and believed it anyway.
Yet because the mainstream media dishes out its histrionically over the top false stories in a stately manner that's designed to sound free of bias, you just pretend it's true – even while accusing someone honest like me of being "hyperbolic."
There's a reason Trump's "fake news" mantra was effective: the mainstream media largely is fake news. It's just a series of misleading narratives crafted to scare you into staying tuned in for maximum ratings. Trump merely exploited the media's own dishonesty against itself.
Half a million Americans are dead as a direct result of the media's willingness to promote a fake story about an email scandal, just to boost ratings, during the previous election. How the hell is that not negligent homicide? Yet you still watch these MSNBC/CNN fuckers every day.
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