Earlier today I saw someone, who didn’t like the name of Patanjali and changed his name to some random word, tweet about moral authority and drivel to that effect.

So just sharing some thoughts after having observed so-called liberals and what they consider democracy.
2/n Just for record those I/ we call liberals aren’t Liberals. So let’s get that out of the way. I will use lowercase ‘l’ to refer to them.

They are usually moneyed, kids of well to do or at least well connected persons. And they have a weird sense of democracy.
3/n They are usually elitists and class conscious but their snobbish attitude is suppressed typically.

They claim to speak for the people and fight for the people but they don’t understand the people.

They want masses to pay tax, vote for whom they point and thank the Masters
4/n By the way while at it they want the masses to have no pride in their roots or have the gall to even dream that they can have aspirations of self reliance.

This is not just in India. In US we saw liberals basically de-platform 72M voters because they voted for other guy

Anyway. While their favorite INC was ruling they pushed their agenda. As the country grew tired and replaced them with Modi ji, liberals have been apoplectic.

How dare the commoners think they know what’s good for the country was the cry that went up.

Are these people dunces. Don’t they understand parliamentary democracy involves parties sharing the agenda, people voting on it and the party that wins fulfilling its agenda using parliamentary procedures and enforcing said laws through executive?

No. They ain’t dumb

Say someone has always played poker with a fixed deck. Suddenly someone gives a clean deck. If you had bet big and the deck is now clean, what would you do?

That’s the same reaction they have now. They loved rules when they made and ran everything.

Now what was the “voice of people” according to them, has now become “majoritarianism”.
So if my guy wins we will rule. If you win you must defer to us.

Try this in any school playground and you will end up with bloody nose.

So they now claim that NaMo lacks moral authority and he mustn’t force it. They want reforms to grind to a halt. They want protests to tear this country asunder - so the same jackals can go to the country in 2024 and claim development has stopped and demand regime change
10/n They had a chance in 2019. They went in front of people and lied through their teeth and NaMo.

People listened quietly & said ‘pffttt’. They voted for NaMo because they know he stands and fights for them.

I want to do sashtanga namaskarams to average Indian voter
11/n Indian voter especially middle class, less affluent know they have one chance to escape jackals and reaffirmed their trust in Modi Ji.

liberals who thought 2014 was an aberration to corrected in 2019 now claim democracy is supposed to be mobs deciding what laws shd pass

liberals seeing their very livelihood threaten anything and everything. They are using every lever they have and every argument to ask NaMo govt to give up on what they have set out to do.

I have faith in NaMo and more than that in Indian voter.
13/n Indian voters have shown US voters how to ignore noise and vote for what’s right for the country.

Ok so now what. Ignore the apoplectic editorials by liberals. Pull up a chair and enjoy the angle breaking. And shrug and go about your business.

One thing you can do is read up about the bills.

Read about our constitution, system of govt and processes. Civic education is key.

liberals will throw big words. No worries. Meet it with facts. Stay strong.

If you got this far, thanks for reading 😀🙏
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