Pathological medical history quiz

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Isaac Newton is credited with his theory of gravity and laws of motion. He also had other interest which led to some self-experimentation.

Which of the following did Newton do in the name of science?

Meningioma is a slow growing brain tumour arising from the meninges.

Antoine Louis was the first reported surgeon to perform a successful resection of this tumour in 1770.

What else was he credited with?

Melanoma is a horrible skin cancer that has a high incidence in countries such as Australia. However, it is not a new disease.

Where has the oldest (to date) possible case of melanoma been found?
4/4. Lastly, leprosy is an ancient disease and is caused by Mycobacterium leprae.

It was thought to be caused by all of the following APART from.
Stuck a bodkin (sowing needle) in his eye.

Well, it was technically between his globe & socket (he was investigating phosphene (seeing light without light)).

He wrote I..“put it betwixt my eye and bone as neare to [the] backside of my eye as I could.”


He was a renowned military surgeon and created a prototype of the guillotine he called a a louisette.


Peruvian mummies, dating back over 2,400 years, were shown to have metastatic deposits with numerous skin lesions.

Below is an image (with reference).

Urteaga B., O. and Pack, G.T. (1966), On the antiquity of melanoma. Cancer, 19: 607-610.

Tree bark

All of the other answers were thought the be causes.

Miasma theory (bad air) was a common belief and was replaced by the more scientific germ theory in the late 1880s

⭐️🌟(Bonus points if you know which character and movie the gif is from!)🌟⭐️
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